Edible History of Russia

Image courtecy Bompas & Parr

state symbology at the Kremlin


monarchist & communist rally at the Red Square

the 3D morph

section view

morph spearated into indiviual molds

the star family jelly in red currant

and the eagle family jelly in black currant


For the 2008 London Festival of Architecture, A+M created a 3D jelly mold computer model of the Edible History of Russia. Russian history is a peculiar subject, on many levels - in this case we were intrigued by a clearly emerged confusion between the country's various pasts - its Imperial and its Soviet history. The preferences today are mixed - and that confusion is even evident in the official state symbology and other everyday manifestations. The Edible History is literally a morph of the two old symbols – the star and the eagle. Each single iteration of this morph is only a part of a whole range. Together these patterns describe the present hybridization of Russian history far better than any “whole” symbol. Created in black & red currant jelly (morphing proportionally along with the star and the eagle), the Edible History was produced by Bompas & Parr, and was a finalist in the London Festival of Architecture Jelly Competition, along with Sir Norman Foster, Sir Richard Rogers, Sir Nicholas Grimshaw, Will Alsop and others. (see all projects here)

© Austin + Mergold



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